
Amount of buoys:


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A Blue Meadows Protection Marker Buoy.

Falmouth is one of the country’s most beautiful and protected marine areas, in close vicinity to the Harbour numerous marine designations exist. These include: Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) & Special Protection Area (SPA). In addition to these marine designations territorial designations of Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) are in place making Falmouth a unique place for Nature.

The Fal and Helford is a European Designated Special Area of Conservation with 60% of its area designated for sea inlets. These inlets support some of the UK’s most valuable and diverse habitats, seagrasses and mearl beds.

The network of protected areas are all interconnected, the Blue Meadows programme is very proud that Falmouth Harbour Authority acted as the first Authority to join the programme through signposting fragile habitats on the seabed through the Blue Meadows Marker Scheme.

Case study locations

Working with local communities and stakeholders, we hope to work in more locations protecting and restoring vital seagrass meadows. Get in touch to help us protect a meadow near you.

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If you’d like to find out more about seagrass, or our protection and restoration work, then we would love to hear from you.

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