Mini Meadows - Make a difference, support a Seagrass meadow

Mini Meadows

Make a difference, support a meadow.

The Ocean covers two-thirds of our planet and is the world’s largest ecosystem, but it needs more investment. At a time when the world needs to mitigate the effects of climate change, some of the greatest carbon capturing habitats are being damaged and degraded.

Seagrass is a key part of the solution for a healthy Ocean and planet.

Our work has been focused on this vitally important habitat for over 10 years, as we have worked to refine our seagrass expertise, develop processes and expand our knowledge.

Blue meadows is our holistic approach to seagrass protection, regeneration and restoration, and we need more support to grow this critical programme, scaling up its impact.

A diver swimming above a field of seagrass or blue meadows as we like to call them!

What is Mini Meadows?

Our new Mini Meadows scheme provides a nature-based solution to climate change and biodiversity loss, and offers a way for both individuals and businesses to provide support for the conservation of seagrass habitats.

Mini Meadows takes into consideration existing seagrass areas, which are nationally declining, as well as new restoration sites, combining protection and restoration in one simple offer. One Mini Meadow is 10 square metres of seagrass and needs £10 of financial support per year, covering all conservation activities.

Our Mini Meadows impact so far

Mini Meadows stats icon


Mini Meadows supported

An illustration depicting how CO2 is drawn down into the ocean via seagrass


kg's of carbon captured

An illustration depicting how Nitrogen is sequestered in the seabed via seagrass


kg's of nitrogen captured

An illustration of many fish swimming through seagrass


Number of fish living in our Mini Meadows

Biodiversity illustration, showing jellyfish, fish, and a seahorse next to seagrass


Invertebrates living in our Mini Meadows

An illustration showing many human avatars, depicting a community of people


Hours of oxygen for a person

Mini Meadows for everyone

We are urging you to invest in the future of our marine environment and the natural world. By supporting Mini Meadows, you are part of a network of people and businesses all coming together to save a critical habitat for the survival of people and our planet.


Are you a business looking to invest in a future with a healthy, thriving Ocean?

Get involved

Individuals (Coming soon)

Are you an individual who wants to support us working towards a healthy planet?

Support us another way

If you’d like to find out more about seagrass, our project we’d love to hear from you.

Our partners

Main partners


Scientific and Delivery partners